Wednesday, 1 May 2013

My inaugural planting stint.......sort of ;)

These kids [sans Auni, who was in school] planted red and green spinach, chilli, cherry tomatoes, and a hybrid greenish cabbage. All I did was look and supervise ;)

I had no planter boxes. Was too lazy to carry flower pots all the way up those steep stairs to my flat. I found some styrofoam bowls - which was just the right size for the seedlings. Got the kids to punch a few holes in the bottom...and voila! we've got our seedling pots. The spinach is planted in a discarded steamer cover which I once used as a parabola [which actually managed to "catch" 2 bars of internet reception. I now have a repeater so it was officially retired].

Showed the kids what to do with the compost [organic...mind you!], handed them the seeds, and let them have a swell time playing with dirt. Oh, we said our prayers before planting and smiled at the seeds.

Here's the result:

Red and green spinach in steamer cover, complete with chopsticks as stakes. The net I found in a container whilst looking for something else  :D


Chilli, cherry tomatoes and hybrid cabbage seedlings-to-be nicely lined in rows in a kitchen cabinet drawer destined for the rubbish dump.

Ta-da! Another view of our handiwork...sitting on what was formerly the shoe cabinet.

       The resident gardener extraordinaire, my brother Zenal, inspected our work later. He seemed happy with it. The kids came back in a few hours and were disappointed that leaves hadn't sprouted yet. Told them to sleep 7 times before checking on the seeds. But they keep coming around several times each day. If the seeds germinate, it'll be because of all that love and attention being sent their way ;)

       Lets pray the seeds WILL germinate.....pretty please.......

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