Sunday, 19 May 2013

alas...the bugs got them!

           My lovely lettuce shoots are no more! :"( :"(  Eaten by some cockroach looking bug. Saya sangat sedih!
           So I've loosened and transferred the soil to another pot. Added some more soil from a small pot which had beans growing - of which only one healthy bean plant emerged. I transferred the healthy one to another pot so it could be in the company of other healthy beanstalks :) Who may grow and reach the sky and I would find a giant with a goose which lays golden eggs....
            On a happier note, I now have 4 tomato plants, 1 chilli plant, and 2 hybrid cabbage plants. Plus several carrot plants and a solitary spinach. I don't know if the soursop and buah nona [what's that in English?] seeds I sowed will germinate. I don't even know how long I should wait. Hmmm I don't know a lot of stuff.....
            Hani gifted me 2 planters of medium size. I think I'll plant spinach again. I promised Danish he could have another go after he was sabotaged by Iris and Aisya who pulled out several spinach shoots during a family feud. Poor Danish! Poor spinach!
            Maybe plant hybrid cabbage in the other planter? And I still have a couple of pots left. Maybe buy brinjal and ladiesfinger seeds to go there. Maybe sunflowers.
            Whatever it is, I need to get more planting soil. I come!

1 comment:

  1. Poor Danish and his Spinach!!. btw buah nona in English is Custard Apple :) Impressive list of plant you got going...well done!
